I had this show scheduled months ago. I was looking forward to it as it’s in my husband’s office building. Someone to bring me coffee in the mid-morning. Someone to help me break down in the afternoon!
But the day before, I get a call in the morning from the hubby:
“Hil, there’s another jewelry show here, right now.”
“Really? Anything like my stuff?”
“How much are they asking?”
“$15 a set.”
“That’s not like mine. That sounds like the cheap stuff I saw in your building last year.”
“Yeah, it’s the cheap stuff they bring in from {name of country withheld for PC purposes}. And they’re selling purses too.”
“Well, I don’t make purses. Are they real or knock-offs?”
“They say they’re real, they say it’s illegal to sell knock-offs, but they’re only charging between $15 to $20.”
“Those are knock-offs.”
“I know. I’m upset this guy is here the day before you’re scheduled to show.”
“Doesn’t make me happy either. Are they getting a lot of interest?”
“Yeah, there are women all over their tables.”
“Oh well. That sucks. I really need to have a good show. Oh well …”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t even come tomorrow.”
“No, I said I’d be there. It’s been printed in the newsletter. If nothing else, I’ll be able to meet and talk with the women. They’ll know the difference between what’s there now and my stuff.”
“Well, I didn’t want to ruin your day, but I thought you needed to know.”
I love me husband! He was so indignant in my behalf. And I knew there was another jewelry designer just a week before me in the same building. But I felt compelled to honor my slot, so the next day I was up early and prepared for the show. I expected nothing to happen for me that day, other than hand out a ton of business cards for “future reference.”
I got there early to set up. First woman who stopped by actually bought something!! More women came and looked. I heard from quite a few that there was a jewelry seller the day before … but nothing like this(!). Women came, looked, some purchased, some promised, and while I still handed out a ton of business cards, I also had the best day at an office lobby ever!
So to all the wonderful, beautiful ladies that work in the same building as my husband, you made my day!! I’m looking forward to visiting you in a couple of months and I’ll be bringing along some wonderfully new, fresh and pretty things.
I received a compliment regarding my display. I know most itinerant sellers use simple draped table set-up; many just pile their wares in baskets or lay them out on the table. But I want to bring to boutique to the office lobby. It’s my way of honoring the hard-working woman who has just a few precious moments carved out of their workday for pampering in whatever form it takes. It’s more work on my part, a lot of work, but I think every single one of my customers is worth it!

Now, if only I could find table cloths that won’t show their creases!